Welcome to Phillip and Sala Burton High School! We are grateful for your partnership and excited for you to guide and get to know our students. At Burton, we believe that in addition to providing engaging and relevant curriculum in the classroom, that the real learning takes place by doing. Opportunities that allow our students to experience the professional world through the lens of industry partners are key in propelling our students forward. We believe that your work with our students is the most relevant form of both personal and professional development they can experience, and will support the development of future engaged, aware, and effective citizens who ultimately build their communities up. From the entire Pathways and Partnerships Team at Burton High School, thank you so much for opening your doors to our students and supporting us in this work.
Our industry partners play a defining role in our students’ Academy Experiences. Levels of partnership and involvement range depending on the identified needs of individual Academies, as well as industry partner capacities.
Here are the Tiers of Impactful Industry Partnerships at Burton High School:
Guest Speaking: Guest Speakers bring their expertise into the classroom within the context of a particular industry sector. They share their stories with our students, speaking extensively about who they were as a high school student, their postsecondary pathway, and how they got to where they are in their respective careers now.
Tabling: Industry Partners will table and provide applications, brochures, and other collateral to our students during events such as College and Career Fair, Summer Opportunities Fair, and Week Without Walls.
All of the above plus…
College/Career Readiness Workshop: Industry Partners will facilitate workshops/activities that provide students with the opportunities to expand their perspectives and knowledge of their industry sector. Some examples of College/Career Readiness workshops include, but are not limited to: resume building, mock interviews, mock-client briefs, design competitions, etc. These workshops will take place during the school day at Burton under the supervision/support of the Academy teacher.
Worksite Tour: Industry Professionals open up their worksites to students to visit and tour. This allows for students to get an opportunity to see + learn more about the real tools of each industry.
All of the above plus…
Job Shadow: Industry Partners will host a group of students at their worksites for one-two day job shadows. During this time, students will meet fellow employees, be provided with industry sector-related career projects/tasks, and fully immerse themselves into a work experience within that sector.
Project Mentorship: Industry Partners will provide their professional knowledge and expertise in supporting 10th-11th grade students in Academy touchstone projects.
All of the above plus…
Senior Capstone Mentorship: Capstone Mentors will provide 12th grade students with personalized support as they complete their capstone projects. Mentors support this process with their expertise and experience in their particular industry sector, as well as providing project feedback to our students.
Internships/Employment: Industry Partners will host and provide paid after school and/or summer employment opportunities for our students to gain real-world working experience within their industry sector.