The Burton High School Academy Capstone Showcase will take place Wednesday, May 25th from 5:30PM-7PM at Burton High School (400 Mansell St. San Francisco, CA 94134). All Burton Community Members are welcome to watch our capstone presentations and celebrate the 2022 Capstone Scholarship recipients!

Our Capstone Scholarship recipients were nominated and selected by their fellow peers and Academy teachers for their outstanding projects and passion for social impact. Congratulations to all our scholarship recipients! You make the Burton community so proud.

“CHANGE MAKER AWARD” - presented to the best projects across several award categories. These projects made tangible and measurable impact, and the authors included evidence for how they achieved their goals.

”HEART AWARD” - presented to projects that focused on a problem the authors care deeply about because it affects people in their community. These projects made it very clear that the authors are passionate about the issue and are trying to do something to better the world for others.

”INFLUENCER AWARD” - presented to projects that got your attention! These projects are interesting, interactive, and memorable and include well-designed visuals and presentations.

”LIGHT BULB AWARD” - presented to projects that have creative and unique solutions to problems. These projects stand out from many of the other projects because of the ideas the authors came up with.

”EDUCATOR AWARD” - presented to projects that taught you something you didn’t know and changed the way you think about a problem. These projects include statistics and thorough research.